Does Air Conditioning Help You Sleep? (#1 Rule For Better Sleep)

Many people suffer from poor sleep, and one of the reasons for this is temperature. If you are too hot or too cold while sleeping it can keep you up all night.

Did you know that some studies show that air conditioning might help with your sleep? There’s also a simple formula to figure out what temperature will be best for your bedroom.

Here’s what I learned about how temperature affects our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night…

Let’s explore if air conditioning really does help you sleep better!

Why do I sleep better with the air conditioner on?

I am one of the 50 to 70 million Americans who suffer from sleep-related problems.

After having some trouble with sleeping, I tried a bunch of things like timing my sleep cycle, exercising, eating chocolate before bed, taking a hot bath, changing my diet, and drinking chamomile tea. But nothing seemed to get rid of this problem until I tried sleeping with the air conditioner on. Suddenly, falling asleep became a breeze!

Why did the air conditioner work for my sleeping troubles?

In the evening, our bodies are designed to experience a small drop in core temperature. But my room was way too hot, my body couldn’t drop its core temperature enough to fall asleep!

After studying the negative effects of being too hot at night, I decided that turning on my air conditioner was a reasonable solution…

And it worked!

I tried experimenting with different temperatures at night, and the best temperature was when I felt a little bit chilly before going to bed, which was somewhere around 64-65 degrees.

An air conditioner can help you with sleeping if you have trouble falling asleep but you must have the temperature set at the right temperature for you to sleep comfortably.

The best air conditioner temperature for sleeping is 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit or 15.5 to 19.4 in Celsius.

What is the best way to stay cool indoors in summer when sleeping?

When it is hot outside, with high humidity, the temperature indoors can reach 90˚ and 105˚F even in the early evening.

What you need to do is close windows and doors if they are open and turn on the air conditioner. This will be the fastest way to cool down your sleeping area.

The air conditioner will also remove humidity, which is another reason why it is important to use it while sleeping.

The benefits of air conditioning for sleep – does air conditioning help you sleep better

It’s been observed that sleeping with an air conditioner on has a lot of benefits.

One of these advantages is the fact that you’re able to sleep better and more comfortably. Why? Air conditioning actually reduces the temperature in a room by a few degrees. This makes it a lot easier to fall asleep, while also making you feel cooler.

Air conditioning can also improve your health condition, especially if you live in a place with extreme temperatures that don’t allow for much movement outside.

The air will be cool and dry which will keep bacteria from growing. You won’t have to worry about allergies or asthma attacks since the air quality is good and the risk factor is low!

With an AC in your room, you won’t have to worry about the humidity levels either. Why? Because when it’s too humid, there’s a higher risk of bacteria growing and mold developing on your bedding and pillows.

Also when you get a good night of sleep your stress hormones will be lower in the daytime.

What’s the optimal sleeping temperature for humans?

An individual will experience different effects when they sleep in a cold or hot environment. The temperature of a room where we sleep plays a big role in our quality of sleep and ultimately the effect it has on us.

The best sleeping temperature is one that is believed to be around 65 degrees Fahrenheit or 18.3 degrees Celsius.

This is the optimal sleeping temperature for humans because this will allow a person to get a full night of sleep without being too cold or too hot while they are sleeping.

A room that is a little on the colder side may help someone fall asleep faster and it will also help them to stay asleep. This may work for some people, but if you tend to sleep better in a room that has more of a warm temperature then this is what you will want to aim for when choosing the right sleeping environment.

Is it healthy to sleep with an air condition system on?

It’s considered healthy to sleep with an air conditioner on to maintain a comfortable sleeping temperature, but there are some points to consider:

You can prevent the bulk of these issues if you are using the air conditioning unit wisely.

  • Don’t sleep with the air conditioning system too cold; you’ll get stiff and won’t be able to sleep well.
  • Don’t direct the airflow to your face. The cold airflow will wake you up, and your throat can feel sore when you wake up.
  • Is your air conditioner clean? If the filter isn’t kept clean, you might get sick. Remember to change the filter on a regular basis.
  • Is your bedroom clean? Is your bedding clean? Is there dust in the room? All of these can cause problems (allergies, asthma, etc.).

Is there any downside to sleeping with an AC at night (elevated electric bills, etc.)?

  • It’s worth noting that you should avoid sleeping with your air conditioner on when it’s too cold or when the air from it is blowing in your face.
  • Then there’s it’s the cost side. They use a lot of electricity, but if your AC has an energy-saving mode, you can get around this.
  • If your AC has a sleep mode you should use that because it will adjust the temperature and humidity automatically to your liking. And it’s going to reduce energy consumption, so it’s definitely worth using.

What are some other ways to stay cool during the night without using AC?

  • It’s important to close the curtains during the day and use dark curtains or blinds that prevent sunlight from heating up a room.
  • Open windows and interior doors at night to provide a cross-breeze.
  • To keep your room cooler, put ice or cold water in front of the fan while it’s on. It is best to close the door and windows when doing this.
  • You can adjust your ceiling fan according to the season. Ceiling fans have two modes for different seasons, they should spin counter-clockwise during the summer and clockwise during winter.
  • The air at your feet is less hot than the air at the ceiling. You can take apart your bed and put the mattress on the floor, or try a night without a mattress if you don’t mind sleeping on hard surfaces. Some people find it helpful to sleep low.
  • At night, open the window or door to let in cool air. If it’s raining, open the window enough to let in the cool air but not enough for the rain to come inside. The night air will make your room colder when it rains.
  • Electronics make heat, including lights. When the lights are on, it might be difficult to keep a room cool. This will increase the temperature in your room. But LED lights stay cool and they also use less energy – so you’ll save money on your power bill!
  • Have you ever had a night where your sheets are drenched in sweat by morning? No more, thanks to the all-new cooling mattresses! With moisture-wicking covers or breathable foam cores these days it’s easy enough just get some refreshing sleep – even during summer. Get them from any major retailer today so that when evening rolls around again this year, instead of lying awake with hot flashes wondering how much warmer things can become before we go through another ice age…you’ll be able to enjoy blissful dreamless slumber as if someone turned down the thermostat.
  • Try the Egyptian Method: wet a sheet and cover yourself in it. It’s an old technique that works perfectly for those hot summer days when you need to beat down some heat.
  • If you are really hot, put something cold on your pulse points. This can make your body temperature go down quickly and feel cooler. This is an old-school method, but it’s still very effective!


We know firsthand what it’s like when things get too hot at night: sheets drenched in sweat, restless sleep, and waking up feeling groggy rather than refreshed. It can also take a toll on your mental health when you don’t get good sleep. With summer coming, we wanted to provide some helpful tips to keep cool and help you get the best night’s sleep possible.

So if this sounds familiar don’t worry – there is an easy fix!

Try to cool down your room to at least 64-65 degrees and see if that improves your sleep quality.

The fastest way to cool your sleeping space is with an AC unit.

If you can afford to cool your room, it’s definitely worth doing.

But remember to not point the cold air right at you, as this will dry out your skin and cause more problems.

But if you don’t have an AC you can also try the following steps to sleep cooler:

Close curtains during the day, or use dark ones that block sunlight.

If it’s raining in the evening, open windows enough for a cross breeze but not so much that it lets in rain. That will cool your room.

There are also cooling mattresses that will keep you cool without having to turn on the AC.

You can also adjust your ceiling fan according to the season.

Use LED lights because this type of light does not generate heat while they are turned on.

I hope these tips help you sleep cooler and perhaps even better and you get the good night’s sleep you deserve.

So turn on those air conditioners and stay cool!

Good luck with sleeping tonight!