What Temperature Should I Leave My AC On When Not Home? Keep Your AC Running & Save Money

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the ideal temperature for your air conditioner will vary depending on a variety of factors, including the climate where you live and the size of your home.

A good rule of thumb is to set your air conditioner at around 85 degrees Fahrenheit when you are away for extended periods of time, but don’t raise it too much to avoid moist and humid conditions that can lead to mold growth.

If you have pets, then you will need to adjust the temperature accordingly, as they can be more sensitive to heat and cold than humans.

Doing this can help save on your energy bill while still keeping your home comfortable.

When you’re not home, what temperature should you set your air conditioner to?

In order to find the best temperature for your needs, you’ll need to take into account the climate where you live, the size of your home, and how long you’ll be gone.

Factors to consider when setting the air conditioning temperature

If you live in a hot climate, setting your AC at 80-85 degrees will help ensure that your home stays cool without using too much energy.

A change in the temperature setting on your thermostat by just 1 degree increases your AC efficiency by one to five percent.

This means substantial savings and a more comfortable home when you return.

The price you save will be determined by your present energy rates, the sort of system you have, and the temperature setting you pick. If you raise your thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees for just eight hours each day, you may save around 10% on your cooling expenses.

Remember, finding a balance between saving money and keeping your home comfortable is key.

How to save energy while the AC is on

You’ll need to consider how long you’ll be gone. If you’re only going to be gone for a few hours, you may not need to adjust your AC at all and just leave your air conditioner running.

However, if you’re going to be gone for an extended period of time, such as overnight or for several days, setting your AC at 80-85 degrees will help ensure that your home is comfortable when you return.

No matter what temperature you choose to set your AC at, be sure to practice energy-saving habits, such as closing the curtains or blinds to keep the sun out, and using a ceiling fan to circulate the air.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the smaller the difference between your indoor temperature and the outdoor temperature, the less work your air conditioner has to do.

By following these tips, you can keep your home cool and comfortable without wasting energy or money.

Should you turn off your air conditioner when you leave home?

In most circumstances, shutting off your air conditioner while you are away from home will save you money.

However, in certain areas, electricity used during peak hours is more expensive, which is generally between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. If you live in a place with this sort of payment plan, it will probably cost more to cool your home down at night than to keep it cool during the day.

Depending on the power company, your monthly savings may typically outweigh the higher costs of nighttime cooling. Every energy provider is different, so you’ll want to verify your local electricity rates before making any assumptions.

Shutting off your air conditioner when you leave home?

Shutting off your air conditioning means it will not operate during the peak of the day if you have typical nine-to-five employment.

That’s why, in Florida, you may end up coming home to a 90-degree house. By the time you get the house cooled down to an acceptable temperature, it will be 3 to 5 hours later.

Meanwhile, you have wasted a lot of energy and money.

The best way to avoid this is by using a programmable thermostat. You can set your thermostat so that the air conditioning comes on half an hour before you get home from work. This will give you a comfortable house to come back to without any of the hassles.

If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, you can still save energy by not setting the temperature too low when you’re gone for the day.

If you turn your AC off while you are gone – humidity and warning

In addition to cooling down the home, an AC unit also removes humidity. If your air conditioner is not running for hours, your home can become extremely humid.

This is bad for both your home’s furniture and the structure itself. Mold and mildew are more likely to develop, as well as wood or paper can bow.

Some delicate electronics, such as computers, might be destroyed. Another risk is that the high internal temperatures generated by turning off your AC system may be harmful to other living creatures. It is not a good idea to switch off your air conditioner if you have a pet or many houseplants.

With a programmable thermostat, you can save more money

It’s possible to save money and control energy usage by changing a normal thermostat on a regular basis. However, it might be time-consuming to fiddle with it when you come in and go out of your house.

It is a common misconception that if you change the temperature settings often, it will hurt your air conditioning system. People think that the air conditioner has to “work harder” to cool your home after it warms up during the day.

A programmable thermostat is a superior alternative for many homeowners. These thermostats can learn your routine automatically or be programmed to change temperatures at various times of the day.

This can save you around 10% to 15% on your monthly cooling costs. A programmable thermostat pays for itself in a few years if used correctly.

Programmable thermostats are not only convenient, but they also take care of temperature switches for you.

After working in the 80s all day, a programmable thermostat can be programmed to start running several hours before you arrive home from work. That is, when you actually get home, it feels fantastic.

Thermostats can also adjust the temperature a little once you’ve gone to sleep, so you’ll save even more at night.

A quick tip: Set your thermostat 5-10 degrees higher than your optimal temperature when you’re away. This will save you energy while still keeping your home comfortable.

Don’t sweat it! Here’s the perfect temperature for your AC when you’re not home

When you’re not home, the ideal temperature for your air conditioner will vary depending on a variety of factors.

In general, it’s best to set your AC at a higher temperature than what you would normally use when you are home.

This will save energy and money and will help keep your home cool when you return.

If you have a programmable thermostat, you can set it to automatically adjust the temperature based on your schedule.

Keep in mind that shutting off your air conditioner means your home will become more humid, which can lead to mold and mildew growth.

It’s also not recommended to shut off your AC if you have pets or houseplants.

By following these tips, you can keep your home cool and comfortable without wasting energy or money.