How To Keep Upstairs Cool Without AC (12 easy ways)

Summertime means hot weather and for many people, that means turning on the AC unit to cool down. However, there are ways to keep your upstairs cool without using an AC unit. Here are twelve tips to help you stay comfortable during the summer heat.

1. Install window fans to create a cross-breeze

Place floor fans in the windows on the second floor, facing outward, if they open. This will assist to draw hot air out of your room. If your exhaust fans aren’t working properly, consider using electric fans instead.

2. Hang blinds or curtains to block out the sun

If the sun is beaming in through your windows, it will naturally heat up the room. By hanging blinds or curtains, you can help to block out some of the sun’s rays and keep the temperature down. If you’re looking for a longer-term solution, you can invest in window awnings or UV-blocking window films.

3. Place ice packs or frozen bottles of water in front of your fan

This will help to cool down the air that your fan is blowing into the room. You can also use a large bowl of ice in front of the fan if you don’t have any ice packs on hand.

4. Use a dehumidifier to remove moisture from the air

If the air in your room is particularly humid, it can make it feel even hotter. By using a dehumidifier, you can remove some of the moisture from the air and make the room feel cooler.

5. Insulate the attic

Insulating your attic is one of the most important two-story house air conditioning ideas. A well-insulated attic will reduce the amount of heat it absorbs from the outside, which will result in a cooler second floor. Insulating your attic will also help to keep your energy bills down.

6. Ventilate the attic

By ventilating your attic, you can push out hot air and prevent it from traveling downstairs. This will keep your upper floors cooler and improve overall circulation throughout the house. To do this, install an attic fan to help move the air around. This is one of the most effective two-story house cooling tips.

7. Consider a white roof

A white or light-colored roof can mitigate problems with hot and cold spots in your home. In the summer, a dark roof absorbs heat, making your second floor uncomfortably warm. By painting your roof white (or another light color), you can reflect heat away from your home instead of absorbing it. This is maybe not the most aesthetically pleasing option, but it can be a very effective way to keep your house cooler.

8. Limit the use of appliances that generate too much heat

Using electrical appliances such as ovens will rapidly raise the temperature of your entire second floor. Instead, look for options that are more efficient, such as grilling, and turn off any unneeded appliances.

9. Replace incandescent lights with LED lights

This does not make a massive difference, but every little bit counts. Regular lightbulbs generate heat as they emit light, so by switching to LEDs, you can minimize the amount of heat generated in your home. This will also reduce your energy costs.

10. Heat-proof your bed

If you want to save energy and stay cool at night, heatproof your bed. This is especially useful if you have trouble sleeping in a warm room on the second floor.

Opt for bedsheets made of light, breathable materials such as percale or bamboo. You can also invest in cooling mattress pads that absorb heat and help regulate your body temperature as you sleep.

11. Rotate your ceiling fan counter-clockwise

In the summer, you want your ceiling fan to blow cool air down into the room. To do this, make sure that the blades are rotating counter-clockwise when you turn it on. This will create a cooling effect in the room as the air is blown downward. Try it out and see how it makes a difference in the temperature of your room!

12. Seal air leaks

Air leaks can cause your home to lose cool air and let in hot air. To keep your home cooler, it’s important to seal any air leaks around doors and windows. You can also use weatherstripping or caulk to seal gaps in your home.

Final thoughts

Although some of these tips may seem like a lot of work, they can be very effective in reducing the heat in your home. And remember, every little bit counts! If you can’t do everything at once, start with one or two easy tips and work your way up. With a little effort, you’ll be able to keep your house cool all summer long without relying on air conditioning.