Do Air Conditioners Attract Bugs? How I Got Rid of Bugs Forever

In the summer, people tend to keep their air conditioners on all day. It’s often necessary because it gets so hot outside. But a side effect of using an air conditioning unit is that it will attract bugs. Air conditioning units are designed to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, but they also have the side effect of attracting bugs.

When you turn on the air conditioner inside your home or office, you’re sending out signals for all kinds of bugs: ants, roaches, spiders… even scorpions!

And if you live in an area where these critters could pose a health risk, then it’s important to make sure there aren’t any holes or gaps around the AC unit itself so that pests can’t get inside.

Let’s look at how I got rid of bugs coming into my house via my air conditioner and how you can get rid of the bugs in your home too!

Why do bugs like to hang around air conditioners?

A reason why bugs are attracted to air conditioners is because of the amount of humidity they emit.

A lot of bugs are attracted to carbon dioxide (CO2) gas that humans and other animals naturally exhale and heat, both of which an air conditioner emits when in use.

Many people also have humidifiers inside their homes, which can attract even more bugs.

Mosquitoes can also pick up on other signs that suggest a person is around. They use their eyes to detect a host and thermal information to identify body heat.

If it’s too cold or hot outside for bugs, and if the temperature in your room is a lot more attractive to them, chances are they’ll be coming in from outside to get some warmth, and a good place to look for that is your air conditioner.

Even if you keep the AC unit off during the summer or winter months, but don’t turn it off completely, openings around the exterior of your home where pipes enter can allow bugs into your home.

With these factors combined, it’s no wonder that pests are attracted to air conditioners!

Are some AC units better at attracting bugs?

No, all air conditioners are equally likely to attract bugs. It doesn’t matter if you have a window or central AC unit, they will both still emit the same amount of carbon dioxide and humidity which attracts bugs.

The key is to keep your home clean. By making sure there aren’t any gaps or holes around the AC unit, you can help prevent bugs from coming in.

How can you prevent pests from getting inside your AC unit

There are a few ways that you can prevent pests from getting inside your AC unit:

How do bugs get inside the house?

No gaps or holes for bugs to get in

To prevent bugs from entering your AC unit, make sure that there are no gaps or holes around the exterior of your home where pipes or cables enter.

Ensure you take the time to do an inspection every once in a while to check if any pests have found their way inside your AC unit.

So make sure there aren’t any gaps or holes around the exterior of your AC unit. This will help to keep bugs out.

Consider using duct tape to patch any gaps or holes around the exterior of your AC unit

Duct tape is good for fixing your AC. You can use it to cover any cracks around the unit or in your window, or even on hairline crevices. But you should only use it if the crack is small since larger ones might need more help. Duct tape doesn’t work well with insulation, so you might end up running your AC or heat more often which will cost money.

Most AC units come with extenders to keep bugs out by fitting flush against your window frame. To make it more secure from flying insects and spiders, seal the edges entirely using duct tape.

Caulk any gaps or holes in your home where pipes or cables enter

Caulk is a good way to seal the seams. There are many different types of caulk on the market, but you can use basic cheap caulk with an applicator. It should be safe for wood and used for basic sealing.

Rope caulk for bug control

Rope caulk is a kind of putty that you can easily move like Play-Doh. It is good for filling cracks on your windows or on your AC unit. You can buy it at any hardware store for cheap.

Many people use Rope Caulk to fill gaps, cracks, and holes in order to stop bugs. It holds up well even if the surface gets wet repeatedly. For best results, apply it during warm weather since cool climates can cause it to be too brittle.

Window screening against mosquitoes

You may use window screening on the outside of your air conditioner to keep pests from entering. Even if your air conditioner doesn’t fit precisely against the glass, the screen covering the entire window prevents mosquitoes, spiders, and other flying insects from entering your room.

This is the most effective strategy, but it necessitates that you install the screening correctly in the first place. If you install it incorrectly, there will be a lot of gaps that the insects will use to enter your room.

Turn off AC when not in use

Turn off your AC unit when you don’t need it. This will help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and humidity that’s emitted, which will in turn make it less attractive to bugs.

Keeping your home clean will also help to keep bugs away

Keep your home clean. By keeping your home free of clutter, you’ll make it harder for pests to find a place to stay.

Bugs coming through the window air conditioner

Bugs that come through the window air conditioner usually do so during the evening or at night. That’s when they’re most active and search for food.

What time of the day do bugs come into your house?

Insects and arachnids (spiders, daddy longlegs, scorpions, mites, and ticks) use the surrounding temperature to control their own body temperature. Ectotherms by nature, the majority of bugs are more active on a hot day.

But if you believe that spending a bug-free moment at night implies you may do so, think again. At night, an enormous number of creepy crawlies are active. They utilize the darkness to locate food, which lowers their risk of being eaten by predators

Because the air temperature is still high and the ground temperature is warm, bugs may be active at night. This keeps them going for the most part of the night.

So when your air conditioner is working at full capacity on a hot day, you should make sure it’s installed properly and there are no holes or gaps so insects won’t enter.

Does keeping your home chilly keep pests at bay?

Yes, keeping your home cool may help prevent mosquitoes from entering. Bugs will look for a warm place to breed and survive, unlike gnats or molds that prefer staying in a well-moisturized area.

In extreme cold, insects become irritable and less active, yet this does not always imply that they will be harmed or discomforted. Because they are not comfortable, they will be compelled to look for a more suitable environment in which to thrive.

Having a cool home can help you to prevent insect infestation.

However, it’s also important to treat any cracks or holes so bugs don’t enter through these openings. This way, you can keep your house cool and stop pests from entering too.

Plants and grass around your air conditioner

It’s important not to plant grass and tall flowers near your air conditioner because it can serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes. You should also keep the area under the AC unit clear of clutter so insects cannot find shelter there.

If you place your AC in an open space where there are no plants or buildings around, bugs will be less likely to swarm around the unit and into your home.

Keep it clean: Cleanliness is next to bugless.

Instead of grass, tiny pebbles, and dirt around your property, consider the following ground cover in place of grass:

  • Decorative Stones
  • Bricks and Masonry
  • Granite
  • Clay
  • River Rocks

Does your AC leak water – it will attract bugs

An AC unit that’s leaking water might attract bugs. Water is a necessity for mosquitoes and other flying insects, so it will be more attractive than ever if there is a lot of standing water around.

Cockroaches are constantly on the hunt for water. A damp location may be a wonderful place to live for a cockroach family. That’s why you should look for any water leaks and repair them as soon as feasible.

Check to see whether your hose spigots are properly shut. It’s more than a signal for roach families if you detect any water escaping from your condenser.


If you want to keep bugs away, there are a few things you can do.

First and foremost, make sure your home is clean because this will deter pests from entering in the first place.

You should also check for any water leaks around your AC unit to ensure that it’s not attracting bugs by leaking water.

Make sure that your AC is installed properly and that there aren’t any holes or gaps which bugs can get in through.

Finally, if you’re worried about plants or flowers near your air conditioner attracting insects (which they likely will), consider maintaining an open space between them so bugs don’t have anywhere to hide when they come close to the device. These simple steps may be all it takes for keeping those pesky critters at bay!