Can An Air Conditioner Explode? (How to be safe with an AC unit)

Most people know that air conditioners can start fires, but did you know that they can also explode? While it’s rare for this to happen, it’s still important to be aware of the dangers and take necessary precautions. Mechanical and electrical problems can turn your AC into a fire hazard, so be sure to keep an eye on it and report any issues immediately.

What can cause an air conditioner to explode

When your air conditioner starts to heat up, don’t worry – it’s just doing its job! The compressor is using an electrical pump to compress the refrigerant gas, which causes the air conditioner to heat up. The gas also heats up, but it won’t explode because it is non-combustible.

If you’re wondering which gases are used in air conditioners, the most common ones are R22(freon), R12, and R134 (most environment-friendly).

These gases are non-flammable, but they do produce greenhouse gases that can increase global warming and skin cancer.

Propane is a cleaner but more combustible coolant. If propane leaks in a closed area and the temperature is high enough, it may cause an explosion.

However, you don’t have to worry about this because most air conditioners use non-combustible gas.

If you don’t have a propane coolant air conditioner, there’s no need to worry about it exploding. If you do have one, keep an eye on it and call for repairs if you notice any leaks.


If you are using a propane-based refrigerant in an air conditioner that is not designed to use propane or flammable refrigerants, you are putting yourself and others at risk. Systems that are recharged with an unapproved alternative called “22a” can catch fire or explode, resulting in injury and property damage.

How to stay safe if your AC explodes

In the event of an air conditioner explosion, it is important to stay safe.

First, disconnect the power to the unit. If you are near the unit when it explodes, evacuate the area immediately and call 911. If you are not near the unit, turn off the power at the breaker box and call a professional to repair the unit.

Explosions can cause serious damage to your home and should be taken seriously. Stay safe and be sure to call a professional if your air conditioner exploded.

What to do if your AC catches on fire

If your air conditioner catches on fire, it’s important to take quick and decisive action to extinguish the flames and prevent further damage. First, turn off the power to the AC unit at the breaker box. Then, use a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. If the fire is large or spreading, call the fire department for assistance. Once the fire is out, it’s important to have the AC unit inspected by a qualified technician to ensure that it is safe to use.

Here are some facts about air conditioning causing fires

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports that air conditioners are the cause of 1% of fire accidents worldwide, leading to an annual loss of approximately 40 lives, 120 injuries, and $82 million in property damage.

The benefits of using a professional AC service

One of the benefits of using a professional AC service is, that they will help you avoid AC fire.

One of the most common causes of AC fire is when the condenser unit is not serviced properly and the coils become clogged with dirt, dust, and debris. When this happens, the airflow is restricted and the condenser unit can overheat and catch fire.

In addition, a professional AC service will also clean your ductwork to remove any build-up of dirt, dust, and debris. This will help to improve the air quality in your home and prevent the spread of AC fire.

How to Keep Your Air Conditioner in Tip-Top Shape

Every year, air conditioners cause hundreds of fires in homes across the country. In most cases, these fires are the result of improper maintenance. To avoid becoming a statistic, it is important to take the time to properly maintain your air conditioner.

One of the most important things you can do is to regularly clean the filters. Clogged filters restrict airflow and cause the unit to work harder, which can lead to overheating. It is also important to keep the area around the air conditioner clear of debris. Grass, leaves, and other debris can block vents and cause the unit to overheat.

Finally, be sure to have your air conditioner serviced by a qualified technician on a yearly basis. This will ensure that it is operating at peak efficiency and prevent potential problems from going unnoticed.

By taking a few simple steps, you can help to keep your family safe from fire and enjoy cool, comfortable summers for years to come.

Key takeaways

Air conditioners can explode if they use combustible refrigerant gases. While it’s rare for this to happen, it’s still important to be aware of the dangers and take necessary precautions. Mechanical and electrical problems can turn your AC into a fire hazard, so be sure to keep an eye on it and report any issues immediately. If you have a propane coolant air conditioner, call for repairs if you notice any leaks. In the event of an air conditioner explosion, disconnect the power to the unit and evacuate the area immediately – call 911 if you are not near the unit. Stay safe by turning off the power at the breaker box if your AC catches on fire – use a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. Have your AC unit inspected by a qualified technician annually to avoid potential fires.