Alternative To Humidifier – 13 surprising ways to add moisture to the air

When the weather starts to change and the air becomes dry, many people reach for a humidifier to add moisture to the air. Humidifiers are often used in dry climates or in homes where people suffer from allergies or asthma. But there are other ways to add moisture to the air, and some of them might be more beneficial than using a humidifier.

Here are 13 surprising ways to add moisture to the air

1. Houseplants – Having houseplants in your home can act as natural humidifiers

House plants release moisture into the air through their leaves, helping to add humidity to your indoor environment. You can breathe easier when you place a few plants in the same room, as they quickly release 97% of their water intake and thus increase humidity levels. This will help to reduce respiratory problems for those with sensitivities or illnesses.

2. Boiling water on the stove

Boil a pot of water on the stove and let it evaporate into the air. This will help add moisture to the air, and can also help mask unpleasant odors. There are cast iron stove top humidifiers that can be used for this purpose as well. Instead of using a microwave to heat water for tea or hot cocoa, opt for the traditional method: boiling it in a kettle on the stove!

3. Hang wet towels

Hang a few wet towels around your home, especially in areas that are prone to dryness. The towels will slowly evaporate and add humidity to the air.

4. Place bowls of water near heat sources

Heat causes air to become dry, so try placing a few bowls of water near sources of heat such as radiators or fireplaces. The water will evaporate and add moisture to the air.

5. Shower with the door open

When showering, keep the bathroom door open to allow moisture to escape into other rooms.

6. Dishwasher steam

As you run your dishwasher, the steam produced during its cleaning cycle will be released into the atmosphere. To help boost humidity levels as this moisture escapes, crack open the door of your dishwasher and let your dishes air-dry in order to maximize efficiency.

7. Use a wet sponge

Keep a few sponges around your home that is dampened with water. As they slowly evaporate, they will add moisture to the air.

8. Don’t dry your clothes inside

Instead of relying solely on your dryer, you can use damp clothes to enhance the humidity in your home! All you need to do is hang them up on a drying rack and let them air dry. As they do so, their moisture will be released back into the atmosphere which increases the overall humidity level. Easy peasy – it’s that simple!

9. Host a fish tank or mini aquarium

If you’re in search of a humidity-boosting substitute to traditional humidifiers, fish tanks just might be your solution! They provide the same level of moisture to indoor air without any added noise or electrical costs. Plus, they offer an exciting splash of color and functionality to any room that’ll keep everyone entertained for hours on end. With so many sizes and options available, there’s bound to be a fish tank out there perfect for you—try one today!

10. Use a Powerful Essential Oil Diffuser for Added Benefits

Essential oil diffusers offer more than just a refreshing scent—they’re also great for adding moisture to the air. Their ultrasonic technology breaks down essential oils into tiny molecules, releasing them into the air as a cool mist that helps keep your indoor environment hydrated and comfortable. Plus, they come with added benefits like improved sleep quality, enhanced energy levels, and stress relief.

11. Leave the Water in the Bathtub and Let it Cool

After taking a bath or hand-washing dishes, don’t rush to drain the water. Allowing it to stay in the tub will enable any residual heat from evaporating and contribute humidity into your home’s air until the temperature has cooled entirely. If you have little ones around though, make sure they are supervised while this occurs as an extra precautionary measure!

12. Indoor fountains can add humidity too

An indoor fountain isn’t just a beautiful water feature—it can also help increase the humidity levels in your home. While their outputs may not be as powerful as humidifiers, they still offer a natural and subtle way of adding moisture to the air.

13. Use a water spray bottle to mist the air

If you don’t have any of these above items available, simply use a water spray bottle to mist the air and increase humidity levels in your home. This is an affordable, easy solution – perfect for those times when you need a bit of a quick fix!

What is the optimal amount of humidity?

Typically, a relative humidity level that ranges from 30 to 60 percent creates an ideal environment for most people. If you’re aiming for maximum comfort indoors, aim for your home’s humidity levels to be between 30 and 50 percent. So don’t go over this level, because too much humidity can cause problems such as mold and mildew. Happy breathing!

The pros and cons of using an alternative for a humidifier

Using humidifier alternatives in the home can have both pros and cons. On the pro side, using natural sources such as opening the door of a dishwasher to air dry dishes or hanging damp clothes on a drying rack helps to increase humidity levels naturally and without additional cost or noise. Additionally, fish tanks and essential oil diffusers provide an exciting splash of color and functionality in addition to contributing moisture to the air. On the con side, these methods may not be as powerful or effective as traditional humidifiers, and some may present safety risks, such as leaving water in a bathtub unsupervised or using a water spray bottle without proper precautions. Ultimately, it is important that people monitor their home’s relative humidity level to ensure it is between 30 and 50 percent for optimal comfort.